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Ale, hombre busca mujeres solteras: buscar hombres solteros en Havana

buscar hombres solteros con foto como Ale
  •  Ale
  • 55 años
  • 11 fotos
Havana, La habana, Cuba
Busco: mujeres solteras
Para: buscar pareja
presentarme ante todo como un hombre muy trabajador, honesto, leal, fiel y sincero. mediante este sitio me gustaría encontrar a mi compañera de vida, mi reina, mi confidente,dispuesta a dar amor con toda intensidad por el resto de.mis dias, lo mismo darè, busco armonía, complicidad, coordinación y empatía en fin,crear un hermoso equipo. Soy muy familiar y me encanta mi hogar y la estabilidad para lograr objetivos firmes y comunes , si necesitas saber más solo contáctame.graduado de guitarra y electronica digital y buen bailador de todos los generos musicales love with all intensity, I still Hopea to receive, I seek harmony, complicity, coordination and empathy in short, to create a beautiful team. I am very familiar and I love my home and more stability to achieve common goals together, if you need ti ti know more just contact me. present myself above all as a very hard-working, honest, loyal, faithful and sincere man. For this site I would like to find my life partner, my queen, my confidant, in short, my other half. I don't know if it's your eyebrows, your eyes, your lips or your hips, I just know it's you. I am willing to give love with all intensity, I still hope to receive, I seek harmony, complicity, coordination and empathy in short, to create a beautiful team. I am very familiar and I love my home and more stability to achieve common goals together, if you need to know more just contact me.Graduated from guitar and vaccinated that's why I don't bite And a very g

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