Emma, dona cerca homes solters: buscar dones solteres a Woodworth

  •  Emma
  • 40 anys
  • 3 fotos
I am looking for someone who is ready for a real, long-lasting relationship. I like to travel, Listening to Music, Outdoor Activities, Reading, Cooking, camp, hike and be on the water. I also like movies, theater, art and museums. I enjoy a glass of wine. I'm just a lady looking for someone to spend time with, to do things with, to share those special moments in life. ..i like to go for a long romantic walks on the beach hand an hand, Im simple person just looking to connect with someone that is down to earth, honest, open and likes to do different things.

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A mobifriends pots xatejar gratis, buscar dones solteres, veure les seves fotos i perfils, enviar-les missatges, mobis (divertits missatges animats), o xatejar amb el video xat, quan vulguis i des d’on vulguis, a través d’Internet i telèfons mòbils.

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